Free!The #1 Professional Token Creator

Token Creation Made Easy

Effortlessly launch your personalized token on any network. Choose from fully featured SPL Token on Solana, and ERC20 & BEP20 Tokens on all networks!

4.94 / 5(849 Ratings)Coinally Token Creator is rated 4.94 out of 5 stars with 849 ratings.

Fully Compatible

ERC20, BEP20 & SPL Compatible

Each token created with Coinally is fully compatible with the ERC-20, BEP-20 and SPL token standards. This means that your tokens will work seamlessly with any wallet or exchange that supports these standards.

Supply Management

Mintable Tokens

We support mintable tokens to allow you to manage the supply of your tokens. The token owner can mint new tokens as needed, and the total supply can be increased or decreased as required.

Supply Management

Burnable Tokens

We fully support the ability to burn tokens in order to reduce the total supply. This can be useful for managing the supply of your tokens, as well as for creating deflationary tokens.

Exclusive Control

Advanced Access Control

We support adding specialized access control to your ERC20 and BEP20 tokens. This allows you to restrict certain functions to specific addresses, ensuring that you have exclusive control over your tokens.

Trust & Verification

Verified Source Code

All of our tokens are verified on all block explorers, including Etherscan, BSCScan, and more! Your tokens will show up as verified immediately, providing trust and confidence to your users.

Easy & Fast

No Coding Required!

Our token generator is designed to be easy to use, and requires no coding knowledge. You can create and deploy your own tokens in just a few minutes, without any hassle.

Cost Effective

Low Cost Deployment

Unlike other ERC-20 and BEP-20 token generators, the total gas cost to deploy a contract on Coinally is 10 times less! Never worry about cost!

We've thought of everything.

Every token we provide comes with a comprehensive suite of features as standard. These features, included at no additional cost, ensure that you're receiving the best value right from the start.

Spec Compliant

Works everywhere!

Each token we make has undergone full testing to ensure compliance with ERC20, BEP20 and SPL token standards.


Properly taken care of.

Every token we produce is thoroughly audited to uphold the highest security standards and practices.

Source Code Verified

Verification isn't always a given.

All of our tokens are pre-verified on all major block explorers, they show up as verified immediately.

Advanced Access Control

Exclusive Control

Our tokens come with advance access control, to make sure you have exclusive control of all token functions.

Trust & Confidence

You'll want more!

People come back to us often, because they know that we provide the best tokens in the industry.

You have questions, we have answers.

We're here to answer any question you may have, and here is a curated list of most commonly asked questions. Feel free to ask more!

    • What is Coinally?

      Coinally is an online tool to create and deploy your own ERC20 and BEP20 Tokens on many different blockchains such as Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain and more.

    • What is an ERC-20 Token?

      ERC-20 tokens are blockchain-based assets. ERC-20 Tokens are Smart Contracts running on the Ethereum blockchain. They can be sent and received like any other crypto. ERC-20 Standard provides specifications on how these assets must be sent, received and stored.

    • What is a BEP-20 Token?

      BEP-20 tokens are blockchain-based assets. BEP-20 Tokens are Smart Contracts running on the BNB Smart Chain. They can be sent and received like any other crypto. BEP-20 Standard provides specifications on how these assets must be sent, received and stored.

    • What is a Taxable Token?

      We offer tokens with the capability of adding taxes, and you are able to configure the taxes based on your needs. It allows you to add taxes such as burn tax, transfer tax, buy or sell tax, etc. Options are available in the app when creating tokens.

    • What is a Dividend Token?

      We offer tokens with the capability of adding dividends, and you are able to configure the dividends based on your needs. Dividend Token allows you to reward users when they hold tokens, giving them dividends when the reward token is added.

    • What is a Deflationary Token?

      We also offer Deflationary tokens in our app. Deflationary tokens are tokens that have a mechanism to remove tokens from supply, usually a burn tax. This will reduce the total supply of the token over time, making it more scarce and valuable.

    • What is Fixed Supply Token?

      The entire token supply of the Token be generated during deploy and will be sent to Token Owner wallet. You can't increase or reduce the supply later.

    • What is Capped Supply Token?

      When you create the token, an initial supply of the tokens will be sent to the owners wallet. You can increase or decrease the supply of the token up to Total Supply of the Token. You won't be able to generate more tokens than the defined supply cap.

    • What is Unlimited Supply Token?

      When you create the token, an initial supply of the tokens will be sent to the owners wallet. You can later increase or decrease the supply of the token without any limits.

    • What is Single Owner Token?

      The access to your token is limited to you, the person who created the token. There are no privileged actions for your token. You can still send and receive the tokens like usual.

    • What is Role Based Token?

      Your Token will have two Roles, MINTER and ADMIN. Users with 'MINTER' role will be able to mint new tokens. Users with 'ADMIN' role will be able to assign these roles to minters or other admins. The account you use to deploy your Token will be ADMIN and MINTER by default.

    • Who can Burn or Mint my tokens?

      Minting depends on the access type. In case of Transferable Ownership, the owner will be able to mint new tokens. In case of Role Based tokens, users with the MINTER role will be able to mint new tokens. You will only be able to mint new tokens until your Supply Cap is hit, which is Unlimited in case of Unlimited Token. Everyone will be able to burn the coins they hold.